Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cheetos MSG loaded, so sad.

One of my favorite childhood snack foods was Cheetoes. The day glow orange goodness that I would savor on each MSG coated finger.  So sad that they are coated with huge amounts of MSG. The amounts of MSG on them stimulate the brain so much they are almost addicting. I will miss them but there is one to go on the never again list. All 4 of their major brands Below is a picture I found with the ingredient list. It is not easy to see but all of them have MSG on the label.

Cheetos Flamin’ Hot Ingredients with free Glutamate (MSG):

  • Monosodium Glutamate, Autolyzed yeast extract, Hydrolyzed soy protein, Sodium caseinate

Natural Cheetos White Cheddar Puffs Ingredients with free Glutamate (MSG):

  • Torula yeast*, Maltodextrin

Baked Cheetos Ingredients with free Glutamate (MSG):

  • Monosodium Glutamate, Maltodextrin, Whey Protein Concentrate

Cheetos Crunchy Cheese Flavor Ingredients with free Glutamate (MSG):

  • Monosodium Glutamate, Maltodextrin, Whey
*Torula Yeast contains free glutamate (MSG), it’s in the same family as Autolyzed Yeast Extract. It just sounds more “natural” and makes the label look clean. For those trying to avoid MSG they will think this product is okay, but it’s deceptive. Why would they hide it on the label if there wasn’t anything wrong with it? To Fool you! Don’t be fooled. Research and read this website to educate yourself. Also check out “Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills” by Russell Blaylock M.D.

Jack In The Box

I found a great defunct Blog about MSG that hasn't been active for over 18 months. It has a few really good articles including this one about Jack In The Box Restaurants.

Why start ANOTHER Blog?

I was thinking to myself as a filled out the "create a blog" form on the blogger website: "With all the blogs out there why make another one? Seriously your grammar skills stink, you couldn't find your way through the alphabet without spell check what are you thinking Candice?" Honestly the only thing I was thinking is that there are NO good resources to help the everyday person (like me) find Monosodium Glutamate free foods, food businesses, and restaurants. I have found a few region specific posts on blogs, forums, and a handfull of stale or defunct blogs. I want current general USA info along with the region specific stuff. (Did I mention not to expect excellent grammar skills out of this blog?) I live in the middle of the American heartland, Indiana to be more specific somewhere between a corn field and a bean field. I have bigger cities within driving distance that I frequent often. We travel a great deal picking up and dropping off my step-kids (which you will see me refer to as My Kids since I really feel they are more than just “step”).

Why MSG free for Candice? Well I have a mild form of Rheumatoid Arthritis caused by having a severe bout with the Epistine Bar virus in college. It changed me in more ways that I realized over the last 14 years including the swelling of my joints. I noticed recently how much more inflammation and pain I have when I eat anything with MSG. So naturally I started using myself as a human guinea pig and went days making sure I didn’t have any MSG then eating out or eating foods that I know had added MSG. The results were so profound I started becoming MSG Nazi and purged my pantry of all food with specific added MSG. I am quite aware that some food additives or natural foods have MSG in them but right now I am concentrating on just products that included MSG specifically added to the foods. Those make me feel the worst and give me the harshest reactions.

So I continue my course of research of stale blogs, menus and ingredient lists to make my world a better place for my body and my joints. I hope you get some relief out also from my research from either similar joint pain or from the headaches that plague so many MGS sensitive persons.